If you are a working illustrator or graphic designer, you have probably figured out that finding high-quality stock images and assets requires a lot of time, patience, and hard work. To save you a little time, we have gathered a handful of FREE resources that we often use and recommend to our students.
Please note that these are FREE stock sites for personal and commercial use, but some may require attribution if using the free plan; for best practice, always read terms and conditions and provide credit when due.
Vector Illustrations

Vector Icons

Our go-to place for all things icons related, you can find pretty much anything you need. You can use these icons for free if it falls under the Free Creative Commons license. However, we highly advise you to pay for the annual subscription, especially if you are often using icons for design projects!
You can find some pretty top quality icons, illustrations and background from leading artists from Dribbble! Please note attribution is required if you are using the free plan.
A great site for Beautiful, customizable animated GIF icons that you can use for digital projects!
Stock Photography

Below we listed 3 of our favourite high quality stock image sites that you can use for personal and commercial projects!

Most of these fonts are free for personal projects, however you can also find some really great fonts you can use for free for commercial projects! Have fun Browsing!
Mock Up

Presentation is key to standing out from the crowd, especially bringing a dull, boring portfolio to life. Present your artwork like a pro using top quality mocks ups, below we listed a few of the go-to mockup sites that we often use to present our design work! Learn more about Presentation skills and Design Portfolio!

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Bonus Tutorials: Watch our tutorials below to learn how to make money through selling your own Artwork on Stock Sites!
5 ways to make extra money from your design skills!
In this post we introduce you to 5 amazing Pattern Designers. Discover their work and exactly why we love it!