Photoshop CC Masterclass Feature

We were recently contacted by TalentLMS who asked if they could feature our Photoshop CC Masterclass in a list they were compiling of the top online courses for freelance creatives. 

We were delighted to be asked and after receiving the link to the post it's clear they scoured the internet far and wide for all sorts of useful courses. Which will help people who are either already freelancers or thinking of going that way. 

It's safe to say there has been a massive trend towards professionals and creatives in particular choosing to freelance from writers, to designers and marketers. This is a pretty big decision which comes with massive bonuses but also challenges. 

What we like about Top 75 Online Courses for Freelancers To Up Their Game is that it tackles the challenges from every angle so you can learn how to get started, business skills, how to sell and market yourself, how to manage finance and balance accounts (the complicated bit!) and how to hone skills and boost productivity. 

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The post also has a 'bonus' round that lists the best courses for certain career choices.

So if you are interested in writing, marketing, web design, being a developer, working in videography or of course Graphic Design (which is where we are featured!) Be sure to have a good look through this extensive list, there's a great selection of courses and plenty to learn! 

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badge online course top 75

A big thanks for the feature 
from the YES team! 

So why learn online?

Online learning has taken off in a big way and there are plenty of great reasons for this. If you haven't already given it a try here's some reasons it might work for you:

  • It's super convenient, as soon as you have found, bought or downloaded the resources you can get going and learn on your terms when you have the time, wherever you like. 

  • Learning new skills broadens your career opportunities. The lines between job roles are becoming increasingly blurred. For example if you work in Marketing chances are you will be involved in design work at some point. If you are knowledgable in both this can come in very handy - especially as a freelancer. Plus the more services you can offer and more work you can produce the better the income you will make.

  • Make that career change. If you already have a career path but want to make a change online learning can make that happen. Courses are so detailed now you can learn everything you need to know in your evenings and on the weekends. You can also pic up great freelance projects online to get you started. Try here.

  • Great sense of achievement, starting to learn new skills and taking steps towards your career goal feels great and the more you achieve the more motivated you will feel. So even if your goal feels a long way off there is nothing better than getting started! 
  • If you are thinking of going freelance in 2019 here's a few sites you might find useful:
    1. Briefbox - for online paid work which can help build a portfolio.
    2. Dribbble - join a creative community, post your work and see what others are producing.
    3. It's Nice That - keep up-to-date with industry news and trends.
    4. Toggl - free time tracking software so you know how your time is being spent.

    Thanks for reading and don't forget to check out Top 75 Online Courses for Freelancers To Up Their Game.

    If you are already in the mood to learn check out this blog post and discover our predictions for the visual trends you will be seeing a lot of in 2019.

    About the author 

    Emily Melling

    Emily Melling studied a degree in Visual Communication, after graduating she became a freelance graphic designer, specialising in Branding & Identity. She enjoys developing working relationships with clients and other creatives who are open to exploring new and innovative ideas.

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