I’m happy to announce that I officially started a Meetup group in London and I’m organising monthly free presentations and trainings for designers, photographers, digitals artists and Photoshop enthusiasts. You can join now and be part of the coolest Meetup group in London 🙂
This group is the best place for Designers and Digital Artists to get together and learn from each other. The aim of the group is to help creatives sharpen their skills in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign with presentations and lectures from certified instructors and experts. Join us and be part of a buzzing creative atmosphere that will inspire you and boost your career!
Our second meetup is going be on the 19th August 2014. This event will be even more action-packed than our first meetup, so you must join us if you want to improve your design skills. We are going to focus on Photoshop but there will be tips and tricks along the way for Illustrator and InDesign as well.
Main presentations:
1. Professional Retouch with Photoshop
Learn some cool techniques and ways to connect Photoshop with InDesign, Illustrator, Lightroom and Bridge in your design and photographic workflow.
2. Making Complex Selections
There are lots of tutorials about selections in Photoshop, but none of them teaches you how to deal with the really difficult images, where none of the tools seems to work. In this session you will be able to learn some rarely mentioned techniques, which can solve even the most difficult selections.
7:00pm – Professional Retouch with Photoshop (technical presentation)
7:45pm – 1st break
8:00pm – Making Complex Selections (technical presentation)
8:45pm – Show Time (present your work)
9:00pm – time for drinks and networking!
Don’t forget to join the group now and save the evening on the 19th August 2014 🙂
Here are some photos of earlier meetups and presentations: